Past Session

Date: 26 April 2021
Day: Monday
Time: 04:00 - 06:00 PM

Journey of innovation for nation

Today, the world is facing an unprecedented crisis where almost all countries are struggling. Such crises often push for revisiting existing norms and notions, and sometimes even provoking thought process for changing knowledge and power centres. The current pandemic situation has initiated changes in thinking patterns of various countries in terms of their power, resources, and innovation status. India too has shown up as one amongst a new world’s leaders at various fronts while many developed countries have failed to manage the worst pandemic situation.


India has always been a land of sages, Gurus, skills, art and culture. It has a proud history where the royal courts have included skilled artisans proudly calling them as Jewels or Nav-ratnas. This was the era of Glorious India. With time passing, this centre of knowledge, skills and innovations shifted to western part of the world. Our indigenous skills got replaced by machines which were entirely of foreign origin. Eventually, the tag of Glorious India started fading and got lost and somehow, we also undermined our own skills and rich cultural heritage.


At this juncture, the way of doing Business is changing around the globe. In this changing situation we are evaluating the status whether India is ready and aimed at regaining and reclaiming the image of glorious India and leading the world ecosystem.

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